
From Fields of Mistria Wiki
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Forced to work a 9-5, born to game until my back hurts (which is like 3 hours).
Biographical Info
Martial Status
Married <3
Date of Birth
Winter (December) 29
Physical Description
Gym rat
Trans Non-binary(they/them)

Started playing Fields of Misteria during Early Access on August 8th, 2024. Since then, I've been obsessed. I love learning more about the video games that I play and was excited when I realized that the Wiki is a work in progress. Happy to be a part of history.


  • Update "Sleeping Dragon Inn" Page
  • Add "Milk" as a page

Weight Lifting PRs

I go to the gym to off set years of sitting at my computer. I stopped doing conventional deadlifts because I'm tall and I felt like it was really crunchy on my lower back. I guess every day is back day when you don't have good form. Here are my current PRs:

Weight Lifting PRs - The Big 3 (or 4 in my case)
Bench Barbell Squat Sumo Deadlift Conventional Deadlift
85 lbs x 5 reps 70 lbs x 5 reps 105 lbs x 4 reps 195lbs x 3 reps