Celine's Heart Events

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Two Hearts

Upon reaching Two Hearts with Celine, she will send the player a letter with the Heart Quest for The Unusual Seed, asking for the player to meet with her at Celine's Cottage.


Could you come to my house when you have a moment?

I've got a question about a flower that I hope you can help with!


Meeting Celine in her cottage will complete the Heart Quest.


Celine has been looking through the Codex Mistria and marvels at the variety of flowers. She asks you if you've seen a particular one. You can respond:

  • "No, but it sure is pretty!" She agrees.
  • "I haven't, but we could try asking Balor." She's asked him, but he hasn't been able to find it.

Celine remembers seeing it as a kid, but haven't seen it since. She suggests looking around in the area. You can say:

  • "Good idea, why don't we go now?" She agrees.
  • "Sounds like an adventure, let's go!" She agrees.

You and Celine look around the area and find something that could be the seed. Unsure, Celine asks what you think. You can respond:

  • "Only one way to find out!" She's excited.
  • "I've got a good feeling!" She agrees.

She thanks you and head home to plant the seed.

Four Hearts

Upon reaching four hearts with Celine, she will send the player a letter with the Heart Quest for Water and Soil, asking for the player to meet her at Celine's Cottage.


The seed we found still hasn't sprouted...

I've been doing research into it and I'm starting to think its growth conditions might be very particular.

Could you come over and lend me your insight as a farmer as well? It'd be very appreciated!


Meeting Celine at her cottage will complete the Heart Quest.


Celine has been doing more research on the seed, but isn't sure what it needs to grow. You can respond:

  • "Well, let's start with what we do know!" She agrees.
  • "Nobody knows more about this seed than you!" She appreciates it.

Celine goes over the soil condition of where the seed was found. She asks you to add plant food to the pot. You can respond:

  • "Let's add just a pinch and go from there." She agrees.
  • "The more fertilizer the better!" She agrees.

Celine isn't sure how much water should be used and asks you what you think the book says. You can respond:

  • "Looks like we just want to dampen the soil..." She's too nervous and asks you to water it.
  • "Looks like it wants us to douse it!" She's too nervous and asks you to water it.

A seedling sprouts, and Celine asks you to help her record the process thus far.

Six Hearts

To be released.

Eight Hearts

To be released.

Ten Hearts

To be released.