Eiland's Heart Events

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Two Hearts

Upon reaching Two Hearts with Eiland, he will send the player a letter with the Heart Quest for The Stele, asking for the player to meet with him outside the Manor House.


I'm sure by now you've seen that Mistria is full of ancient places, with many more left to discover.

If you're interested, meet me at the Manor House and I can show you a particularly interesting site on the grounds!


Meeting with Eiland will complete the Heart Quest.


Heart event dialogue needed

Four Hearts

Upon reaching four hearts with Eiland, he will send the player a letter with the Heart Quest for To the Ruins!, asking for the player to meet him at the Western Ruins.


The new text you uncovered has been an enormous help regarding the whereabouts of the Dragonsworn Armor.

I have every reason to believe that we can discover more at the Western Ruins.

Meet me there and we can begin!


Meeting with Eiland will complete the Heart Quest.


Heart event dialogue needed

Six Hearts

To be released.

Eight Hearts

To be released.

Ten Hearts

To be released.