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Friendship can be earned with Mistria's residents. As friendships deepen, marriage is possible with one of the Marriage Candidates.


When talking to NPCs, either a gem or heart will be displayed next to their name. A heart indicates a marriage candidate. Regardless, the icon will change colour depending on how close the Player is with said NPC. The Player gets closer to NPCs by increasing their Friendship Points level.

Each Friendship level (denoted by colored Hearts in their profile) is worth 80 Friendship points. These points are primarily earned through gift-giving. You can give each character 1 gift per day.

Friendship points can be increased with each NPC by:

  • giving a neutral, liked or loved gift (see Gifts)
  • speaking to them once a day (+7 points)

Characters will have Heart Events at 2 and 4 Hearts of friendship. At 4 Hearts, they will send you a birthday gift in the mail on your birthday.


Each NPC has very specific taste in what they like. Each character has a list of gifts they Love, Like and Dislike, and only one gift they Hate. The rest of giftable items that aren't in the aforementioned lists of a character are considered Neutral gifts. Check individual characters for their gift preference.

Gift Preference Normal Birthday (+20)
Loved +20 +40
Liked +10 +30
Neutral +3 +23
Disliked +0 +20
Hated +0 +20

Universal Disliked Gifts

All Junk Items -- Fiber, Hay, Cattail Fluff, Acorn, Pinecone, Sod, Sap, Doughlad, Newt

All Bugs

All Weird Gifts -- Heart Shaped Animal Treats

Universal Dislikes exceptions

Hayden - Neutral to Heart Shaped Animal Treats

Dell - Likes Lightning Dragonfly, Snail, and Hermit Crab; Neutral to all other Bugs

Luc - Loves/Likes/Neutral to Bugs

Dozy - Loves Crystalline Cricket; Likes Butterfly, Cicada, Cricket, Firefly, Fuzzy Moth, Grasshopper; Neutral to all other Bugs

Henrietta - bugs exception(?)

Banned Gifts

Some characters have certain banned gifts you are unable to give them since it would be inappropriate, such as Alcohol for children, and Chocolate for animals.


