Juniper's Heart Events

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Two Hearts

Upon reaching Two Hearts with Juniper, she will post the Heart Quest, Becoming Juniper's Guinea Pig, on the message board advertising that she's giving away free health tonics at the Bathhouse.

Come and get your free health tonic at Juniper's Bathhouse!

Clears your pores, freshens your breath, and side effects are minimal.

Available while supplies last.

Meeting Juniper at the Bathhouse will complete the Heart Quest.


Olric had just drank one of Juniper's concoctions and grew bunny ears. After Olric leaves, she asks you why you're there:

  • "A... bath? At the bath house?" She asks if you're serious.
  • "The health tonic? From the message board?" She asks if you're joking.

Juniper tells you that she came to Mistria to study its unique magic, and having people who drinks anything she gives them is a nice bonus. You can respond:

  • "You're using the townsfolk to test your potions? You should leave them alone." She taunts you.
  • "Can't we all just get along?" She calls you naive.

Juniper promises to leave the townsfolk alone if you become her guinea pig. You can respond:

  • "Sounds fun." She's surprised and intrigued.
  • "Do I have a choice?" She agrees that you don't.

Juniper mocks you for protecting the townsfolk and laughs.

Four Hearts

Upon reaching Four Hearts with Juniper, she will send the player a letter with the Heart Quest for Horsing Around, asking the player to meet her at the Bathhouse.


I've prepared a potion to test on you, so come to the bathhouse.

Don't make me wait too long, or I might just test it on someone else.


Meeting Juniper at the Bathhouse will complete the Heart Quest.


Juniper tells you that the concoction she wants you to try will give you powers of a dragon, or maybe even turn into one. You can say:

  • "D-dragons? I don't think they exist." She says you're a terrible liar.
  • "A dragon versus a mere sorceress sounds pretty one-sided." She says it's cute when you try to be threatening and reminds you she's the only one who can turn you back.

Juniper gives you the concoction and it turns you into a horse instead. She says the reason for it going wrong is because of you. You can respond:

  • "Well at least I can still talk..." She's surprised.
  • "Very funny, now stop horsing around, Juniper." She's not amused by the pun.

Juniper says it's been a waste of time and prepares to turn you back. You can:

  • Try to cheer Juniper up. She laughs.
  • Try to make Juniper mess up again. She laughs.

Juniper turns you back and says she'll call on you again when she has a new concoction to try.

Six Hearts

To be released.

Eight Hearts

To be released.

Ten Hearts

To be released.