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March's Heart Events

Two Hearts

Upon reaching Two Hearts with March, he will send the player a letter with the Heart Quest for Surprise Me, asking for the player to meet with him at the Blacksmith's Shop.


Meet me at the Blacksmith's, and don't keep me waiting.


Meeting March at the Blacksmith's Shop will complete the Heart Quest.


March remarks that he's heard that you've been making yourself useful around town. You can respond:

  • "It's been lots of fun helping out!" He sneers.
  • "So I guess this is where you apologize for your bad attitude." He disagrees.

March says that the second things get tough, you'll ditch Mistria. You can assert:

  • "I'm not going anywhere!" He says that we'll see.
  • "Jealousy is an ugly thing, March." He scoffs.

Four Hearts

Upon reaching Four Hearts with March, Olric will send the player a letter with the Heart Quest for Many Hands Make Light Work, asking for the player to meet with him at the forge by the Blacksmith's Shop.

Hey [Player]!

Are you busy? March and I sure are! We can hardly keep up with all our work.

March told me your blacksmithing has been improving, and that I shouldn't tell you he said that. Buuuut what I think he meant to say was "I sure hope [Ari] can help us out!"

Hope to see you at the forge soon!

Your pal,



Olric tells you that March is negotiating with Balor while he's tidying up. You can say:

  • "You said you needed a helping hand?" He agrees and states that its been nonstop.
  • "What are we working on?" He lists off nails, hinges, and barrel hoops.

March returns and asks what you're doing here. Olric lies that you heard how backed up they were and volunteered to help out. You can agree:

  • "Many hands make light work!" He states that he doesn't need platitudes.
  • "It's okay to admit you're in over your head, March." He gets angry and says nothing.

You work with the brothers and complete the order.

  • "That was fun!" He agrees before going silent and blushing.
  • "Great work, everyone!" He agrees before going silent and blushing.