General Store

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The General Store is run by Nora and Holt, with Celine working part-time.

Year-Round Stock

These items can be bought regardless of Season.

Store icon ingredients.png Ingredients

Image Name Description Price
Sugar.png Sugar A bag of processed sugar. Used to sweeten dishes when cooking. data-sort-value="115">Tesserae Icon.png115t
Flour.png Flour A bag of processed wheat flour. Frequently used for baking. data-sort-value="200">Tesserae Icon.png200t
Rice.png Rice A bag of processed rice. Used as an ingredient in many kinds of dishes. data-sort-value="200">Tesserae Icon.png200t
Rock salt.png Rock Salt Salt from a natural deposit. Used in a variety of cooking recipes. data-sort-value="50">Tesserae Icon.png50t
Oil.png Oil Oil made from vegetables. Used in cooking and crafting recipes. data-sort-value="60">Tesserae Icon.png60t
Curry powder.png Curry Powder A delicious and aromatic spice blend. Used as an ingredient in cooking recipes. data-sort-value="40">Tesserae Icon.png40t
Paper.png Paper Paper milled with plant fiber. Used in a variety of crafting recipes. data-sort-value="100">Tesserae Icon.png100t
Honey.png Honey A delicious syrup made by bees. Used in a variety of cooking recipes.
(Available after upgrading the store.)
data-sort-value="100">Tesserae Icon.png100t

Store icon tools.png Tools

Image Name Description Price
Worn shovel.png Worn Shovel A worn but still serviceable shovel. Used to expand fields and to excavate dig spots. data-sort-value="500">Tesserae Icon.png500t
Worn watering can.png Worn Watering Can A worn but still serviceable watering can. Used to water plants. data-sort-value="150">Tesserae Icon.png150t
Worn Hoe.png Worn Hoe A worn but still serviceable hoe. Used to till dirt in preparation for planting seeds. data-sort-value="150">Tesserae Icon.png150t
Worn sword.png Worn Sword A worn but still serviceable sword. Used to cut grass and to fight, if necessary. data-sort-value="150">Tesserae Icon.png150t
Basic pouch.png Basic Pouch Use this item to increase your inventory size by 10 slots!

data-sort-value="1000">Tesserae Icon.png1,000t

Bag upgrade.png Bag Upgrade Use this item to increase your inventory size by 10 slots!
(Available after upgrading the store.)

data-sort-value="2000">Tesserae Icon.png2,000t

Store icon furniture.png Furniture

Image Name Description Price
Potted plant.png Potted Plant Freshly potted yellow flowers.

Scarecrow.png Scarecrow A friendly scarecrow.

Wheelbarrow.png Wheelbarrow A wheelbarrow filled with a variety of spring flowers. data-sort-value="200">Tesserae Icon.png200t
Basic chest v01.png Basic Wood Chest A placeable basic wooden chest. data-sort-value="250">Tesserae Icon.png250t
Shipping bin.png Shipping Bin A placeable shipping bin. Put items inside to sell them overnight. data-sort-value="500">Tesserae Icon.png500t
Spring crop sign scroll bundle.png Spring Crop Sign Scroll Bundle Use this scroll to unlock the crafting recipes for the Spring Crop Sign furniture set!
(Available after upgrading the store.)
data-sort-value="500">Tesserae Icon.png500t
Summer crop sign scroll bundle.png Summer Crop Sign Scroll Bundle Use this scroll to unlock the crafting recipes for the Summer Crop Sign furniture set!
(Available after upgrading the store.)
data-sort-value="500">Tesserae Icon.png500t
Fall crop sign scroll bundle.png Fall Crop Sign Scroll Bundle Use this scroll to unlock the crafting recipes for the Fall Crop Sign furniture set!
(Available after upgrading the store.)
data-sort-value="500">Tesserae Icon.png500t
Winter crop sign scroll bundle.png Winter Crop Sign Scroll Bundle Use this scroll to unlock the crafting recipes for the Winter Crop Sign furniture set!
(Available after upgrading the store.)
data-sort-value="500">Tesserae Icon.png500t

Store icon seeds.png Seeds

Seeds will cycle in and out of the store depending on the Season.

Spring Stock

Image Name Season Description Price Growing Time
Cabbage seed.png Cabbage Seed Season icon spring.png Spring Cabbage seed. This slow growing spring crop can be harvested once.


Carrot seed.png Carrot Seed Season icon spring.png Spring Carrot seed. This spring crop can be harvested once.
(Available after upgrading the store.)


Daffodil seed.png Daffodil Seed Season icon spring.png Spring Daffodil seed. This fast growing spring flower can be harvested once.


Pea seed.png Pea Seed Season icon spring.png Spring Pea seed. This spring crop can be harvested every 3 days once it reaches maturity.
(Available after upgrading the store.)


Potato seed.png Potato Seed Season icon spring.png Spring Potato seed. This popular spring crop can be harvested once.


Strawberry seed.png Strawberry Seed Season icon spring.png Spring Strawberry seed. This spring crop can be harvested every 3 days once it reaches maturity.


Tulip seed.png Tulip Seed Season icon spring.png Spring Tulip seed. This spring flower can be harvested once.


Turnip seed.png Turnip Seed Season icon spring.png Spring Turnip seed. This fast growing spring crop can be harvested once.


Cherry sapling.png Cherry Sapling Season icon spring.png Spring A cherry tree sapling. This tree can be planted any time of year, but will only fruit in the spring.


Lemon sapling.png Lemon Sapling Season icon spring.png Spring A lemon tree sapling. This tree can be planted any time of year, but will only fruit in the spring.


Summer Stock

Image Name Season Description Price Growing Time
Catmint seed.png Catmint Seed Season icon summer.png Summer Catmint seed. This summer flower can be harvested once.


Chili pepper seed.png Chili Pepper Seed Season icon summer.png Summer Chili pepper seed. This summer crop can be harvested once.


Corn seed.png Corn Seed Season icon summer.png Summer Corn seed. This summer crop can be harvested every 3 days once it reaches maturity.


Cosmos seed.png Cosmos Seed Season icon summer.png Summer Cosmos seed. This summer flower can be harvested once.


Cucumber seed.png Cucumber Seed Season icon summer.png Summer Cucumber seed. This fast growing summer crop can be harvested once.


Daisy seed.png Daisy Seed Season icon summer.png Summer Daisy seed. This fast growing summer flower can be harvested once.


Sugar cane seed.png Sugar Cane Seed Season icon summer.png Summer Sugar cane seed. This summer crop can be harvested once.
(Available after upgrading the store.)


Tea seed.png Tea Seed Season icon summer.png Summer Tea seed. This summer crop can be harvested every 3 days once it reaches maturity.
(Available after upgrading the store.)


Tomato seed.png Tomato Seed Season icon summer.png Summer Tomato seed. This summer crop can be harvested every 3 days once it reaches maturity.


Watermelon seed.png Watermelon Seed Season icon summer.png Summer Watermelon seed. This slow growing summer crop can be harvested once.


Peach sapling.png Peach Sapling Season icon summer.png Summer A peach tree sapling. This tree can be planted any time of year, but will only fruit in the summer.


Pear sapling.png Pear Sapling Season icon summer.png Summer A pear tree sapling. This tree can be planted any time of year, but will only fruit in the summer.


Fall Stock

Image Name Season Description Price Growing Time
Broccoli seed.png Broccoli Seed Season icon autumn.png Fall Broccoli seed. This fall crop can be harvested once.


Celosia seed.png Celosia Seed Season icon autumn.png Fall Celosia seed. This fast growing fall flower can be harvested once.


Chrysanthemum seed.png Chrysanthemum Seed Season icon autumn.png Fall Chrysanthemum seed. This fall flower can be harvested once.


Cranberry seed.png Cranberry Seed Season icon autumn.png Fall Cranberry seed. This fall crop can be harvested every 3 days once it reaches maturity.


Onion seed.png Onion Seed Season icon autumn.png Fall Onion seed. This fall crop can be harvested every 3 days once it reaches maturity.
(Available after upgrading the store.)


Pumpkin seed.png Pumpkin Seed Season icon autumn.png Fall Pumpkin seed. This slow growing fall crop can be harvested once.


Rice seed.png Rice Seed Season icon autumn.png Fall Rice seed. This slow growing fall crop can be harvested every 3 days once it reaches maturity.
(Available after upgrading the store.)


Sweet potato seed.png Sweet Potato Seed Season icon autumn.png Fall Sweet potato seed. This fast growing fall crop can be harvested once.


Wheat seed.png Wheat Seed Season icon autumn.png Fall Wheat seed. This slow growing fall crop can be harvested every 3 days once it reaches maturity.


Apple sapling.png Apple Sapling Season icon autumn.png Fall An apple tree sapling. This tree can be planted any time of year, but will only fruit in the fall.


Orange sapling.png Orange Sapling Season icon autumn.png Fall An orange tree sapling. This tree can be planted any time of year, but will only fruit in the fall.


Winter Stock

Image Name Season Description Price Growing Time
Beet seed.png Beet Seed Season icon winter.png Winter Beet seed. This fast growing winter crop can be harvested once.


Cauliflower seed.png Cauliflower Seed Season icon winter.png Winter Cauliflower seed. This winter crop can be harvested once.


Daikon radish seed.png Daikon Radish Seed Season icon winter.png Winter Daikon radish seed. This slow growing winter crop can be harvested once.


Frost lily seed.png Frost Lily Seed Season icon winter.png Winter Frost lily seed. This fast growing winter flower can be harvested once.


Poinsettia seed.png Poinsettia Seed Season icon winter.png Winter Poinsettia seed. This winter flower can be harvested once.


Snow pea seed.png Snow Pea Seed Season icon winter.png Winter Snow pea seed. This winter crop can be harvested every 3 days once it reaches maturity.


Pomegranate sapling.png Pomegranate Sapling Season icon winter.png Winter A pomegranate tree sapling. This tree can be planted any time of year, but will only fruit in the winter.



Upgraded General Store exterior.

After completing previous town upgrade Quests, you will get a Quest to repair the General Store. Upgrading the General Store will change its appearance and allow a larger selection of items to be available for purchase.

The following items are required for completing the Quest: