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Question: Aren't all request source from the quest board?

Maybe we can remove the source column for the request table.

This has been resolved I would assume, looking at the page now, but it may be worthwhile to add a "Season" or "Day" (do requests come in at random or fixed days in a season?) column to the request table, as characters only seem to ask for in-season items. --Rainfrog

I agree, I've also wondered if certain requests only come in after other items are unlocked. (e.g. "Request for a Miner's Pickaxe" references that Olric found his pickaxe, which I think would've only been possible after you donate a Miner's Pickaxe to the museum. I think I remember getting a dialogue about someone seeing the pickaxe and thinking it's not an artifact because it belongs to Olric...) --Yufiel

Wrong Item Displayed

For March's Request for Freshwater Eel it displays a Duck Egg as the item needed instead of a Freshwater Eel. I tried to correct this myself but it appears there is a template issue. I have never modified a page like this before so I do not know how to correct that. Hopefully someone with more experience can fix this.