
From Fields of Mistria Wiki
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Priestess Portrait.png
Wiki Admin, Full-time prettyboy
Biographical Info
Martial Status
dreaming ♡
Date of Birth
Fall (October) 20
Physical Description
Male (he/him)
Eye Color

Don't mind me. I got the data entry autism so I'm obsessed with spreadsheets and organization. I became a wiki editor so I could make my spreadsheets more powerful. I love beautiful long-haired androgynous men. Voted most likely to become an assistant manager in all but name within 2 weeks of employment.

I work on a lot of things, including the site's CSS, datamining, image handling, and general management. I try my very best to interpret game code and have a tumultuous love-hate relationship with computers.



so help me god i will not let templates best me

  • add Museum quotes (THERES LIKE A BILLION OF THEM!!! is there one for every single item..?!)
  • add link brackets and Template:Description to all chara/list pages
  • create Template:Name
    • figure out the deal with its line breaks (so that recipe ingredients can be filled out on both main recipe pages and gift tables..)
      • standing theory is outdated css in Template:Name/styles.css. may want to find out how to achieve the same functionality with up-to-date systems
    • regardless, it needs multi-word image names to be Title Case in order to function, so... do i need to do that...? good lord... maybe everything won't break if i leave redirects when moving... (does that create duplicate file reports? test this)
  • Cooking
  • add gifting quotes (+ tables where applicable), relationships
  • add simple sources for gifting tables (ex. Cooking, Fishing, Bug Catching)


shit that was on my to-do list but i finished because having record of that feels good.

  • finish adding Skills icons to page also converted it to tables
  • add Calendar Events icons
  • update neutrals
  • add icons to Characters names
  • rip in-crafting menu crafting level icons (lil hammer for blacksmithing, oven for cooking, saw for woodcrafting)
  • item infobox; mash everything into one infobox and simply leave irrelevant fields blank seems much easier (ex. fishing and seed info arent relevant to each other but not worth making separate infoboxes for so just leave blank)
  • restructure Museum wing pages
  • Template:Mainmenu
  • mash all the furniture images into a gallery on Furniture page for simple ease of access, can properly format later

make pages for:

rename files to be human-readable:

  • tools (50 files)
  • items (760 files)
  • fish (389 files) more like 100-something bc the quality variants are unneeded (for now, at least, might upload later when individual item pages are made and for quality icons for sellprice?)
  • insects (70 files)

upscale and upload icons:

  • villagers
  • all 1,269 of the above


Yes I am actually autistic.