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Image Name Location Rarity Comment
Caldosian breastplate.png Caldosian Breastplate The Eastern Road Rare March icon.pngErrol asked me to take a look at that Caldosian Breastplate you brought in, [Player].

The silver filigree is nice, but eh... I could do better.

Caldosian drinking horn.png Caldosian Drinking Horn Rare Josephine icon.pngI was looking at that Caldosian Drinking Horn they've got on exhibit at the museum, [Player]. It's so dashing!

I thought I might commission March to make one for Hemlock.

Caldosian emperor bust.png Caldosian Emperor Bust Uncommon Landen icon.pngThe other day, I was looking at that Caldosian Emperor Bust, over in the antiquities section of the museum.

Don't you think he looks a bit like me, [Player]?

Caldosian sword.png Caldosian Sword Uncommon Dell icon.pngMister Errol put a Caldosian Sword on display at the museum, [Player]!

Did you donate it? If you find another one, please donate it to me! The Dragonguard thanks you in advance.

Statuette of caldarus.png Statuette of Caldarus Legendary Eiland icon.pngThe Statuette of Caldarus you donated to the Historical Society is an incredible find, [Player].

It shares similarities with that statue on your farm. There's a link there, I'm sure of it.

Perfect copper ore.png Perfect Copper Ore Upper Mines (Floors 1~19)
Mining Copper t2.pngCopper Nodes
Uncommon March icon.pngI'm a little torn about the Perfect Copper Ore in the museum. Nice that people can appreciate it, but a chunk of that size would make a handsome set of bracelets.
Perfect gold ore.png Perfect Gold Ore Lava Caves (Floors 61~79)
Mining Gold t2.pngGold Nodes
Perfect iron ore.png Perfect Iron Ore Tide Caverns (Floors 21~39)
Mining Iron t2.pngIron Nodes
Uncommon March icon.pngThat Perfect Iron Ore at the museum is pretty nice. Who donated it, anyway? It was you? I see...
Perfect mistril ore.png Perfect Mistril Ore Ancient Ruins (Floors 81~99)
Mining Mistril t2.pngMistril Nodes
Perfect silver ore.png Perfect Silver Ore Deep Earth (Floors 41~59)
Mining Silver t2.pngSilver Nodes
Uncommon March icon.pngI saw that Perfect Silver Ore on display at the museum. Nice find.
Aldarian gauntlet.png Aldarian Gauntlet The Narrows Rare Eiland icon.pngJudging by the golden ornamentation and the heavy wear on that Aldarian Gauntlet you discovered...

I'd say it belonged to a noble who spent a good deal of time on the battlefield.

Aldarian sword.png Aldarian Sword Uncommon Dell icon.pngMister Errol showed me the Aldarian Sword you brought to the museum, [Player]!

Is it really from the War of the Lilies? That's so COOL!

Aldarian war banner.png Aldarian War Banner Rare Terithia icon.pngAmazing that you found that Aldarian War Banner. Saw the old thing while Errol was putting it out.

Good to see it relegated to the museum, I say.

Family crest pendant.png Family Crest Pendant Uncommon Balor icon.pngThat Family Crest Pendant on display at the museum! Your doing, no doubt.

It's a pretty antique. Aldarians know their jewelry, eh?

Lost crown of aldaria.png Lost Crown of Aldaria Legendary March icon.pngThe Lost Crown of Aldaria is a legend among smiths the world over.

The metal knotwork has always been a benchmark to aspire to, and it's even more breathtaking in person. Just beautiful.