Valen's Heart Events

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Two Hearts

Upon reaching Two Hearts with Valen, she will post the Heart Quest, The Annual Check-Up, on the message board encouraging you to get a check-up at the Clinic.

It's time for YOUR free annual check-up! Yes you, the person reading this.

Come to Valen's Clinic today for a healthier you!

Meeting Valen at the Clinic will complete the Heart Quest.


Hayden is lamenting over his twisted ankle. When Valen learns he will miss his harvest, she asks you to bring her a scoop of something from a barrel. You can respond:

  • "Barrel?" She asks you to be quick to avoid more of Hayden's belly-aching.
  • "Basement?" She points you in its direction.

You head down to the basement and bring back what Valen was asking for. You can ask:

  • "What are you doing?" She asks you to wait a moment.
  • "What is that?" She asks you to wait a moment.

Valen applies the substance and Hayden is immediately better. It's now your turn for a check-up. Once done, she asks if you have any other questions. You can ask:

  • "What's with the spooky basement?" She clarifies that she meant questions about your personal health.
  • "What was that powder in the barrel? Can I have some?" She clarifies that she meant questions about your personal health.

Valen politely ends the conversation and gets ready for her next patient.

Four Hearts

Upon reaching Four Hearts with Valen, she will send the player a letter with the Heart Quest for Batch 312, asking the player to bring a Peat to the Clinic.


Have you come across any peat while you've been out digging?

I'm told it can be found quite often when searching for artifacts. I believe that it could be useful to my research.

Could you bring me a piece? I'm happy to pay for it.


Bringing a peat to Valen will complete the Heart Quest.


Valen pays you for the peat. You can ask:

  • "What are you going to use it for?" She says it's for an experiment.
  • "Hey, can I see your creep basement again?" She denies that it's creepy.

Valen takes you down to the basement and explains what she's trying to accomplish. She asks if she can trust you. You can say:

  • "Your secret is safe with me." She thanks you.
  • "You wouldn't believe the secrets I'm already keeping!" She's surprised there are juicy secrets to be kept.

Valen shows you the current test batch she's working on, and asks if you can take notes while she drinks it. You can say:

  • "Then let me drink it, for science!" She's surprised since she's never had volunteers before.
  • "Can I drink it? It looks really tasty..." She's a bit sheepish since taste hasn't a priority.

The elixir made you very sick, and Valen had to use the powder to heal you. When you come to, she asks you how you feel. You can say:

  • "I saw my life flash before my eyes..." She apologizes.
  • "I feel great!" She tells you she had to use the last of the powder on you.

Valen thanks you for helping, and says that she will go over her notes again to find out what went wrong.

Six Hearts

To be released.

Eight Hearts

To be released.

Ten Hearts

To be released.