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Adeline icon.png Adeline
Adeline Portrait.png
Adeline's Spring outfit
Adeline summer.png
Adeline's Summer outfit
Adeline beach.png
Adeline's Beach outfit
Adeline fall.png
Adeline's Fall outfit
Adeline winter.png
Adeline's Winter outfit
Mother: Baroness Linnet of Mistria
Father: Baron Wiscar of Mistria
Brother: Eiland
Aunt: Elsie
Royal Family
Acting Leader of Mistria
Biographical Info
Martial Status
Date of Birth
Winter 18
Physical Description
Eye Color

Adeline is one of the many villagers in Fields of Mistria, and is a marriage candidate. She is the daughter of the Baron and Baroness of Mistria and its current Town Leader.

In the aftermath of a disastrous earthquake, and with her parents called away to the Capital, Adeline and her brother, Eiland, are left to step up and manage the town of Mistria in their place. The "restoration and revitalization" of Mistria is her life's goal[1] and she works tirelessly to this end. Luckily for her, Adeline's work often doubles as her play--things like filling out tax documents are fun to her--and she takes on each task with equal parts determination and enthusiasm. She stays perfectly organized every single step of the way, too, thanks to her many binders, charts, and presentations.

With her plans upon plans upon plans, Adeline may sometimes overdo it in her readiness to get things done. In the end, though, she does it all wholeheartedly for the sake of Mistria and its villagers.

As the one who put up the initial request for a "capable adventurer"[2] to aid the town at the start of the game, Adeline is overjoyed to have someone like the Player around who can help make her life goal a reality. Make sure you're ready to put in as much work as you do play (if not more) before accepting Adeline's request, because she's always coming up with something new for you to do!




  • Adeline was first revealed on the Fields of Mistria website on May 12th, 2022[1]. This was almost a full year before the reveal of her brother, Eiland.
  • Eiland and Adeline's names are anagrams of each other.
  • According to Adeline, her mother initially rejected her father because she did not want to marry into nobility. However, the baron eventually won her over and they eloped.


  1. 1.0 1.1
  2. Dialogue option from the Player speaking to Balor at the beginning of the game