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Caldarus icon.png Caldarus
Caldarus Portrait.png
Biographical Info
Martial Status
Date of Birth
Spring 25
Physical Description

Caldarus is a (technical) resident in Mistria. The Player unknowingly enters a pact with the dragon guardian when they repair a broken statue of him. Caldarus enters the player's dream before Spring 3, and requests the Player bring him Essence. In return, the Player can upgrade their Skills at the statue. Caldarus was only recently awoken by The Player after being sealed, so he appears to have amnesia. He refers to the Player as 'mortal', implying he is immortal[1].



  • It has not yet been confirmed that he's a romance option, but in the demo he has a heart next to his name, which has only been seen on romance characters thus far.
    • In the game's code, he is also tagged as dateable, so he is assumed to be one of the secret Special Marriage Candidates.
  • Caldera, a possible inspiration for Caldarus' name, is when a volcano erupts and then collapses in on itself.


  1. In-game dialogue