The Player

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The Player refers to the playable character in the farming-life sim and RPG video game Fields of Mistria. After a devastating earthquake hits the town of Mistria, the daughter of Mistria's Baron and Baroness, Adeline, sends out a request to the Adventurer's Guild for a "capable adventurer"[1]. The Player responds, and in exchange for helping improve the town, they are given a free plot of land where they can live, farm, decorate, raise animals, and more.

New Game

Upon starting a new game, the player will be brought to the Character Customization screen.

Here, they can customize:

  • Appearance
  • Name
  • Pronouns (he/him, she/her, they/them, he/they, she/they, all, and none)
  • Birthday
  • Farm name
  • (In later releases, pet)
    Notice that the birthday doesn't have a pencil icon, meaning it cannot be edited once character creation is completed.

All of these can be changed at any time, except for the birthday.


The green bar in the upper left-hand corner of the screen is the Stamina Bar. Stamina is the point representation of how many actions the player can take throughout the day, and these points are depleted when carrying out certain actions, including but not limited to: watering plants, hoeing, mining, and fishing. Swinging a weapon or tool has no Stamina cost unless it is a successful action (i.e. Using your watering can won't cost Stamina unless it successfully waters a hoed tile). The player initially starts the game with 100 Stamina points, though they have the opportunity to permanently gain additional Stamina Points over the course of the main story.

Upon fully depleting the Stamina Bar, the Player will be unable to do many actions, including actions that do not normally cost Stamina. These actions will instead be replaced with a long yawning animation. Note: The Player can be injured by Monsters during this animation.

There are several different ways to replenish stamina:

If the player faints, they will wake up the next day having slept in and with a fourth of their Stamina and Health already gone.


Health is tracked by a red bar in the upper-left corner of the screen above the Stamina Bar that only appears after the player has taken damage. Similar to Stamina Points, the player starts the game with 100 Health points (also known as Hit Points or HP), but will have the opportunity to permanently gain addition HP through exploration of the Mines. Monsters found in the Mines will attack and can damage the player. Once the Player accumulates enough damage, their HP will fall to 0, and they will then faint.

There are several different ways to replenish Health:

  • Eating and drinking Foods, Drinks, or Cooked Dishes. Cooked Dishes tend to give more stamina, depending on the star-rating (data-sort-value="">Quality.png) of the dish
  • Eating the free daily soup at the Inn
  • Magic Spells, specifically Full Restore
  • Bathing at the Bathhouse
  • Specific Syrups purchased from the Clinic
  • Unlocking and enabling specific Skill Perks

If the player faints, they will wake up the next day with full Health.


See Magic Spells for a full list of Spells.


See Skills for an in-depth explanation.

The Player has 9 different Skills available to them: Combat, Farming, Fishing, Mining, Archaeology, Cooking, Ranching, Woodcrafting, and Blacksmithing. These Skills represent the Player's experience and capability completing actions related to the corresponding activity, and will naturally grow alongside the Player as they go about living and interacting with the world around them.


After the first few initial days in-game, Caldarus will grant the Player the ability to sense and collect Essence.pngEssence, which appears in the form of small, glowing orbs. The Player can collect these orbs as they go about their day completing certain actions. Completing actions related to activities such as farming, fishing, and mining will all have the chance to reward Essence.pngEssence[2]. The player can then exchange Essence.pngEssence for Skill Perks at Caldarus' Shrine.


Tesserae Icon.pngTesserae or T/t is the form of currency used in Mistria and the greater land of Aldaria.

There are several different ways to acquire Tesserae Icon.pngTesserae:


  1. Dialogue option from the Player, Year 1, Spring 1
  2. Caldarus, Day 3