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Combat is a skill meant to fight monsters in the Mines with the use of a weapon. As of Early Access, the only weapon available in game is the sword.


The Player can get hurt by the monsters and if their health drops to zero, they'll faint and wake up in Valen's Clinic. Fainting doesn't cause the Player to lose any items in their inventory or Tesserae. However, the day will end immediately and the daily summary will pop up on screen. To prevent from fainting, the Player can:

  • Consume Food, Drink, or Cooked Dishes to top up lost data-sort-value="">Health bar icon.png Health.
  • Equip armor that provides data-sort-value="Defense">Defense icon.png Defense.
  • Unlock the Guardian's shield.png Guardian's Shield Skill, which nullifies the first hit the Player takes once per day.



Weapons can be obtained through various means such as:


Weapons crafted with the Blacksmithing icon.png Blacksmithing skill will have a chance to gain an infusion such as:



The Player starts off with a set of cloth armor and can acquire better armor pieces through various means such as:


Armor pieces crafted with the Blacksmithing icon.png Blacksmithing skill will have a chance to gain an infusion such as:

Skill icon combat.png Combat Skill Perks

The Combat Skill can be increased by defeating monsters in the Mines.

Trading in collected Essence.pngEssence at Caldarus' statue in the Mines allows the Player to gain bonuses to their combat skill.

Tier 1 (Lvl 1)
Skill Perk Description Cost
Guardian's shield.png Guardian's Shield Once per day, the first hit you take is nullified. data-sort-value="10">Essence.png 10
True strike.png True Strike Your Attacks will occasionally become Critical, doing double damage in the Mines. data-sort-value="20">Essence.png 20
Jump attack.png Jump Attack Jumping and then Attacking mid-air will damage enemies in a small radius. data-sort-value="15">Essence.png 15
Well armed.png Well Armed Biome-unique Armor and Weapons will sometimes drop from Treasure Chests in the Mines. data-sort-value="15">Essence.png 15
Tier 2 (Lvl 15)
Skill Perk Description Cost
Quick footed.png Quick Footed Blue Sapling pools will grant a short Speed Boost rather than slow you down. data-sort-value="45">Essence.png 45
Shrine savant.png What an Offer Using an Offering Shrine will bestow a short HP & Stamina Regen buff in addition to their usual effect. data-sort-value="45">Essence.png 45
Generous in defeat.png Generous in Defeat Monsters will occasionally drop twice as many items when defeated. data-sort-value="50">Essence.png 50
Dungeon delicacies.png Dungeon Delicacies Certain Cooked Dishes will occasionally drop from Treasure Chests in the Mines. data-sort-value="45">Essence.png 45
Tier 3 (Lvl 30)
Skill Perk Description Cost
Perfect prefix.png Perfect Prefix The infusion power of Infused Weapons will double. data-sort-value="80">Essence.png 80
Rocking.png Rocking Clod Projectiles that are reflected back are now much more likely to critically strike. data-sort-value="70">Essence.png 70
In motion.png In Motion Defeating a Monster will sometimes grant a brief Speed Boost. data-sort-value="75">Essence.png 75
Out of juice.png Out of Juice Enchanterns now briefly freeze in place after discharging. data-sort-value="70">Essence.png 70