Fish Wing

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The Fish Wing is one of the four wings of the Museum. It has 16 sets to complete.

Spring River

Image Name Location Comment
Bluegill.png Bluegill River (Common, Small)
Carp.png Carp River (Common, Medium)
Chub.png Chub River (Common, Small)
Paddlefish.png Paddlefish River (Rare, Giant) Terithia icon.png I spied a Paddlefish at the museum and figured that was your doing. What a funny-looking creature.
They used to say the paddle was for digging, but it's not the case! A sea scholar told me that.
Walleye.png Walleye River (Common, Large)

*Rain Required

Spring Pond

Image Name Location
Angel fish.png Angel Fish Example
Barb.png Barb Example
Brown trout.png Brown Trout Example
Crucian carp.png Crucian Carp Example
Goldfish.png Goldfish Example

Spring Ocean

Image Name Location
Anchovy.png Anchovy Ocean (Common, Small)
Lobster.png Lobster Example
Mackerel.png Mackerel Rain
Ocean sunfish.png Ocean Sunfish Example
Shrimp.png Shrimp Example

Summer River

Image Name Location
Bream.png Bream River (Common, Large)
Loach.png Loach River (Common, Small)
Minnow.png Minnow River (Common, Small)
Sweetfish.png Sweetfish River (Common, Medium)
Tarpon.png Tarpon River (Rare, Giant)

Summer Pond

Image Name Location Comment
Brown bullhead.png Brown Bullhead Pond (Common, Medium)
Giant koi.png Giant Koi Pond (Rare, Giant) Terithia icon.png It's a funny feeling, seeing a Giant Koi immortalized at the museum like that. Brings to mind an old story about the koi who leapt up a waterfall.
It took a hundred long years to reach the top, and in recognition of the feat, the koi was blessed and turned into a dragon!
I wouldn't go around asking any dragons if they were formerly fish, though.
Golden shiner.png Golden Shiner Pond (Common, Small)
Lake chub.png Lake Chub Pond (Common, Small)
Sauger.png Sauger Pond (Common, Large)

Summer Ocean

Image Name Location Comment
Char.png Char Ocean (Common, Large)
Crab.png Crab Ocean (Common, Small)
Dart.png Dart Ocean (Common, Small)
Grouper.png Grouper Ocean (Rare, Giant) Terithia icon.png [Player]! That Grouper that Errol's got on display, that was your catch?
My my, that was a large one. You've got guts!
Stingray.png Stingray Ocean (Common, Medium)

Fall River

Image Name Location
Grayling.png Grayling Example
Lamprey.png Lamprey River (Common, Small)
Perch.png Perch River (Common, Large)

*Requires Rain

Razorback.png Razorback Example
Shad.png Shad River (Common, Medium)

Fall Pond

Image Name Location Comment
Bluefish.png Bluefish Pond (Common, Large)

*Requires Rain

Killifish.png Killifish Pond (Common, Small)
Rainbow trout.png Rainbow Trout Pond (Common, Medium)
Striped bass.png Striped Bass Pond (Common, Large)
White perch.png White Perch Example Terithia icon.png White Perch is a bit of a nuisance as fish go! They eat up the eggs of other fish.
It's good you registered it with the museum, though. Better to have a record of everything, nuisances included.

Fall Ocean

Image Name Location Comment
Butterfish.png Butterfish Ocean (Common, Small)
Halibut.png Halibut Ocean (Common, Large)

*Rain Required

Mullet.png Mullet Ocean (Common, Medium)
Saury.png Saury Example
Shark.png Shark Ocean (Rare, Giant) Terithia icon.png My eyes about jumped out of my head when I saw that Shark you caught at the museum.
You're brave to reel that one in! And strong to boot.

Winter River

Image Name Location Comment
Bowfish.png Bowfish River (Common, Large)
Dace.png Dace River (Common, Small)

*Snow Required

Freshwater eel.png Freshwater Eel River (Common, Medium)
Herring.png Herring River (Common, Small)
Shadow bass.png Shadow Bass River (Rare, Medium) Terithia icon.png The Shadow Bass doesn't always live up to such an imposing name, but you certainly caught a fine specimen for the museum!

Winter Pond

Image Name Location Comment
Alligator gar.png Alligator Gar Pond Terithia icon.png The Alligator Gar at the museum had me thinking back to my time on a deserted island.
The Gar's scales are tough enough to be arrowheads. That was how I survived until rescue came. Been fond of the Alligator Gar ever since.
Burbot.png Burbot Pond (Common, Large)

*Snow Required

Flathead catfish.png Flathead Catfish Pond (Common, Medium)
Giant tilapia.png Giant Tilapia Pond (Uncommon, Giant)
Tilapia.png Tilapia Pond (Common, Small)

Winter Ocean

Image Name Location
Horse mackerel.png Horse Mackerel Ocean (Common, Small)
King crab.png King Crab Ocean (Common, Large, Snowy Weather)
Oarfish.png Oarfish Ocean (Rare, Giant)
Sand lance.png Sand Lance Ocean (Common, Small)
Sea bass.png Sea Bass Ocean (Common, Medium)

Upper Mines

Image Name Location Comment
Cave eel.png Cave Eel Example Terithia icon.png I was admiring that Cave Eel you hauled over to the museum. They're blind, but they're still pretty tricky to catch!
An eel's an eel, after all.
Cave shark.png Cave Shark Example Dell icon.png My mom said I shouldn't go into caves because the Cave Sharks would get me!

I thought she was making it up, but then I went to the museum and saw it! A Cave Shark! The legends are true!

Cave shrimp.png Cave Shrimp Example Luc icon.pngMister Errol said you caught the Cave Shrimp at the museum! Did you know that shrimps aren't insects? They're crustaceans! But I think they're cute anyway.
Rock guppy.png Rock Guppy Example Terithia icon.png There's a Rock Guppy at the museum, was that your doing? I'm impressed! Most folks can't tell the difference between a Rock Guppy and the regular kind.
Stone loach.png Stone Loach Example Celine icon.pngDell was really studying that Stone Loach at the museum. She said it's a master of camouflage!

Now she's camouflaging herself all over the house. Yesterday she hid in the couch. She gave my parents such a fright!

Tide Caverns

Image Name Location Comment
Archerfish.png Archerfish Example Dell icon.png Miss Terithia said the Archerfish at the museum shoots water like an arrow to catch bugs!

Maybe I shouldn't tell Luc.

Mini whale shark.png Mini-Whale Shark Example Terithia icon.png That Mini-Whale Shark at the museum sure is cute! Well, compared to a regular-size whale shark.

The Mini-Whale Shark is still pretty big, though.

Sapphire betta.png Sapphire Betta Example Balor icon.pngMy favorite fish are the ones that look like gemstones, like that Sapphire Betta at the museum.

Brilliant blue and a little showy. My kind of fish!

Transparent jellyfish.png Transparent Jellyfish Example Adeline icon.png I was at the museum and I stopped in my tracks! I've never seen anything like the Transparent Jellyfish!

It's so shimmery and ethereal! I wonder if Louis could make a dress like that.

Water balloon fish.png Water Balloon Fish Example Reina icon.png The Water Balloon Fish at the museum is so funny, [Player]. You just want to give it a squeeze!

Maple and Luc got a case of the giggles so bad that they even got Errol laughing!

Deep Earth

Image Name Location Comment
Earth eel.png Earth Eel Example Dell icon.pngErrol says that thing at the museum is an Earth Eel, but I know a worm when I see one! Even a big one!

Though, Luc did say it was an eel, too... I guess I better take his word for it.

Emerald horned charger.png Emerald Horned Charger Example Valen icon.pngI saw that Emerald-Horned Charger at the museum. That prominent, glittering horn of precious stone... what a curious adaptation.
Pebble minnow.png Pebble Minnow Example Terithia icon.pngI've never seen a fish like that Pebble Minnow at the museum. It came from a cave deep beneath the earth?

It's a big wide world, ain't it!

Rockbiter.png Rockbiter Example Olric icon.pngErrol said that new fish over the museum is called a Rockbiter... on account of it chews up rocks?

My natural enemy... whoa...

Shardfin.png Shardfin Example Balor icon.pngThat Shardfin over at the museum... It's a pretty thing, isn't it? Makes you think of fine jewelry.


Image Name Location Comment
Cherry fish.png Cherry Fish Example Terithia icon.png I'd heard stories of the Cherry Fish, but I never knew what it looked like until I saw it at the museum. So little, so beautiful, so pink!
You've done this fisherwoman a boon, letting me see it with my own eyes!
Leaf fish.png Leaf Fish Example Terithia icon.png I'd only heard tales of the Leaf Fish until I saw it at the museum, [Player]. Where'd you find such a legend?
And to think, it was in Mistria this whole time! It's a good feeling, knowing there's still new critters to catch!
Lightning fish.png Lightning Fish Example Terithia icon.png A Lightning Fish! At the museum! My old commander said you can only catch them in the middle of a summer storm.
So you're storm fishing, eh, [Player]? I won't stop you, but keep on your toes!
Snow fish.png Snow Fish Example Terithia icon.png There's a Snow Fish at the museum, [Player]! You caught the real thing? Here in Mistria?
Now THAT is something. Sounds like I've got a new winter goal! KYA HA HA!