View table: Recipes

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Table structure:

  1. itemName - String
  2. colors - List of String, delimiter: ,
  3. time - Integer
  4. craftType - String
  5. skillLevel - Integer
  6. stars - Integer
  7. workbenchLevel - Integer
  8. ingredients - List of Wikitext string, delimiter:
  9. recipeSource - List of Wikitext, delimiter: ,

This table has 160 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page itemName colors time craftType skillLevel stars workbenchLevel ingredients recipeSource
Apple Honey Curry (edit) Apple Honey Curry 100 Food 40 5 3

Apple.pngApple (1)

Honey.pngHoney (1)

Curry powder.pngCurry Powder (1)

Sweet potato.pngSweet Potato (1)

Onion.pngOnion (1)

Rice.pngRice (1)

Apple Juice (edit) Apple Juice 10 Food 4 1 1

Apple.pngApple (1)

Quests header icon.pngShip an Apple

Apple Pie (edit) Apple Pie 20 Food 18 2 1

Apple.pngApple (1)

Flour.pngFlour (1)

Sugar.pngSugar (1)

Store icon buildings.pngBought from The Inn for data-sort-value="300">Tesserae Icon.png300t

Baked Potato (edit) Baked Potato 10 Food 4 1 1

Potato.pngPotato (1)

Quests header icon.pngShip a Potato

Baked Sweetroot (edit) Baked Sweetroot 10 Food 4 1 1

Sweetroot.pngSweetroot (1)

Museum icon.pngDonate a Sweetroot to the Museum

Beet Salad (edit) Beet Salad 10 Food 1 1 1

Beet.pngBeet (1)

Quests header icon.pngShip a Beet

Beet Soup (edit) Beet Soup 100 Food 40 5 3

Beet.pngBeet (1)

Carrot.pngCarrot (1)

Potato.pngPotato (1)

Onion.pngOnion (1)

Cabbage.pngCabbage (1)

Milk.pngMilk (1)

Store icon buildings.pngBought from The Inn for data-sort-value="">Tesserae Icon.pngt

Berry Bowl (edit) Berry Bowl 40 Food 20 3 2

Strawberry.pngStrawberry (2)

Wild berries.pngWild Berries (4)

Blueberry.pngBlueberry (4)

Honey.pngHoney (2)

data-sort-value="500">Tesserae Icon.png500t wish from Wishing Well

Blackberry Jam (edit) Blackberry Jam 20 Food 2 1 1

Blackberry.pngBlackberry (6)

Sugar.pngSugar (1)

Almanac header icon.pngElsie's Request for Blackberries

Blueberry Jam (edit) Blueberry Jam 20 Food 2 1 1

Blueberry.pngBlueberry (6)

Sugar.pngSugar (1)

Almanac header icon.pngReina's Request for Blueberries

Braised Burdock (edit) Braised Burdock 30 Food 14 2 1

Burdock root.pngBurdock Root (1)

Soy sauce.pngSoy Sauce (1)

Sugar.pngSugar (1)

Quests header icon.pngShip a Burdock Root

Braised Carrots (edit) Braised Carrots 10 Food 4 1 1

Carrot.pngCarrot (1)

Bread (edit) Bread 10 Food 6 1 1

Flour.pngFlour (1)

Available from the start

Breaded Catfish (edit) Breaded Catfish 30 Food 14 2 1

Catfish.pngCatfish (1)

Flour.pngFlour (1)

Oil.pngOil (1)

Almanac header icon.pngHemlock's Request for a Catfish

Broccoli Salad (edit) Broccoli Salad 30 Food 18 2 1

Broccoli.pngBroccoli (1)

Cranberry.pngCranberry (1)

Mayonnaise.pngMayonnaise (1)

Almanac header icon.pngReina's Request for Broccoli

Buttered Peas (edit) Buttered Peas 20 Food 8 1 1

Peas.pngPeas (1)

Butter.pngButter (1)

Cabbage Slaw (edit) Cabbage Slaw 20 Food 8 1 1

Cabbage.pngCabbage (1)

Fennel.pngFennel (1)

Quests header icon.pngShip a Cabbage

Candied Lemon Peel (edit) Candied Lemon Peel 20 Food 8 1 1

Lemon.pngLemon (1)

Sugar.pngSugar (1)

Quests header icon.pngShip a Lemon

Candied Strawberries (edit) Candied Strawberries 20 Food 8 1 1

Strawberry.pngStrawberry (1)

Sugar.pngSugar (1)

Quests header icon.pngShip a Strawberry

Canned Sardines (edit) Canned Sardines 20 Food 2 1 1

Sardine.pngSardine (1)

Rock salt.pngRock Salt (1)

Wooden chest.pngWooden Treasure Box

Caramel Candy (edit) Caramel Candy 20 Food 4 1 1

Sugar.pngSugar (1)

Butter.pngButter (1)

Available from the start

Caramelized Moon Fruit (edit) Caramelized Moon Fruit 0 Food 6 1 1

Moon fruit.pngMoon Fruit (1)

Sugar.pngSugar (1)

Almanac header icon.pngEiland's Request for a Moon Fruit

Cauliflower Curry (edit) Cauliflower Curry 40 Food 24 3 2

Cauliflower.pngCauliflower (1)

Butter.pngButter (1)

Curry powder.pngCurry Powder (1)

Rice.pngRice (1)

Cherry Cobbler (edit) Cherry Cobbler 20 Food 8 1 1

Cherry.pngCherry (1)

Sugar.pngSugar (1)

Cherry Smoothie (edit) Cherry Smoothie 30 Food 10 2 1

Cherry.pngCherry (1)

Honey.pngHoney (1)

Milk.pngMilk (1)

Skill icon mining.pngTreasure Chests in the Tide Caverns

Cherry Tart (edit) Cherry Tart 30 Food 18 2 1

Cherry.pngCherry (1)

Sugar.pngSugar (1)

Flour.pngFlour (1)

Store icon buildings.pngBought from The Inn for data-sort-value="300">Tesserae Icon.png300t

Chickpea Curry (edit) Chickpea Curry 30 Food 12 2 1

Chickpea.pngChickpea (1)

Curry powder.pngCurry Powder (1)

Rice.pngRice (1)

Skill icon mining.pngTreasure Chests in the Tide Caverns

Chili Coconut Curry (edit) Chili Coconut Curry 50 Food 36 4 3

Coconut milk.pngCoconut Milk (1)

Chili pepper.pngChili Pepper (1)

Curry powder.pngCurry Powder (1)

Cave mushroom.pngCave Mushroom (1)

Rice.pngRice (1)

Store icon buildings.pngBought from The Inn for data-sort-value="">Tesserae Icon.pngt

Chocolate Cake (edit) Chocolate Cake 40 Food 20 3 2

Chocolate.pngChocolate (1)

Flour.pngFlour (1)

Sugar.pngSugar (1)

Chicken egg.pngChicken Egg (1)

Calendar icon saturday market.pngSaturday Market at Darcy's stall for data-sort-value="400">Tesserae Icon.png400t

Clam Chowder (edit) Clam Chowder 30 Food 10 2 1

Clam.pngClam (1)

Butter.pngButter (1)

Milk.pngMilk (1)

Almanac header icon.pngErrol's Request for a Clam

Coconut Cream Pie (edit) Coconut Cream Pie 50 Food 38 4 3

Coconut.pngCoconut (1)

Coconut milk.pngCoconut Milk (1)

Sugar.pngSugar (1)

Butter.pngButter (1)

Flour.pngFlour (1)

Coconut Milk (edit) Coconut Milk 10 Food 1 1 1

Coconut.pngCoconut (1)

Quests header icon.pngShip a Coconut

Cod with Thyme (edit) Cod with Thyme 40 Food 12 2 1

Cod.pngCod (1)

Butter.pngButter (1)

Thyme.pngThyme (1)

Almanac header icon.pngReina's Request for Cod

Crab Cakes (edit) Crab Cakes 50 Food 30 4 3

Crab.pngCrab (2)

Chicken egg.pngChicken Egg (1)

Mayonnaise.pngMayonnaise (1)

Flour.pngFlour (1)

Dill.pngDill (1)

Store icon buildings.pngBought from The Inn for data-sort-value="600">Tesserae Icon.png600t

Cranberry Juice (edit) Cranberry Juice 10 Food 2 1 1

Cranberry.pngCranberry (1)

Quests header icon.pngShip a Cranberry

Cranberry Orange Scone (edit) Cranberry Orange Scone 40 Food 36 4 2

Orange.pngOrange (1)

Cranberry.pngCranberry (1)

Milk.pngMilk (1)

Flour.pngFlour (1)

Almanac header icon.pngRyis's Request for Cranberries

Crayfish Etouffee (edit) Crayfish Etouffee 30 Food 12 2 1

Crayfish.pngCrayfish (1)

Rice.pngRice (1)

Wild leek.pngWild Leek (1)

Store icon buildings.pngBought from The Inn for data-sort-value="300">Tesserae Icon.png300t
Wooden chest.pngWooden Treasure Box

Crispy Fried Earthshroom (edit) Crispy Fried Earthshroom 30 Food 14 2 1

Earthshroom.pngEarthshroom (1)

Flour.pngFlour (1)

Oil.pngOil (1)

Skill icon mining.pngTreasure Chests in the Tide Caverns

Crunchy Chickpeas (edit) Crunchy Chickpeas 20 Food 2 1 1

Chickpea.pngChickpea (1)

Rock salt.pngRock Salt (1)

Skill icon mining.pngTreasure Chests in the Upper Mines

Crystal Berry Pie (edit) Crystal Berry Pie 40 Food 20 3 2

Crystal berries.pngCrystal Berries (1)

Flour.pngFlour (1)

Chicken egg.pngChicken Egg (1)

Sugar.pngSugar (1)

Cucumber Salad (edit) Cucumber Salad 30 Food 12 2 1

Cucumber.pngCucumber (1)

Dill.pngDill (1)

Sesame.pngSesame (1)

Quests header icon.pngShip a Cucumber

Cucumber Sandwich (edit) Cucumber Sandwich 40 Food 22 3 2

Cucumber.pngCucumber (1)

Mayonnaise.pngMayonnaise (1)

Cheese.pngCheese (1)

Bread.pngBread (1)

Deep Sea Soup (edit) Deep Sea Soup 30 Food 12 2 1

Jade dulse.pngJade Dulse (1)

Mines mussels.pngMines Mussels (1)

Underseaweed.pngUnderseaweed (1)

Museum icon.pngDonate a Jade Dulse to the Museum

Deluxe Curry (edit) Deluxe Curry 40 Food 24 3 2

Potato.pngPotato (1)

Shrimp.pngShrimp (1)

Curry powder.pngCurry Powder (1)

Rice.pngRice (1)

Store icon buildings.pngBought from The Inn for data-sort-value="400">Tesserae Icon.png400t

Deviled Eggs (edit) Deviled Eggs 30 Food 10 2 1

Chicken egg.pngChicken Egg (1)

Mayonnaise.pngMayonnaise (1)

Horseradish.pngHorseradish (1)

data-sort-value="10">Shiny bead.png 10 offering Chicken Statue

Dried Squid (edit) Dried Squid 20 Food 2 1 1

Squid.pngSquid (1)

Rock salt.pngRock Salt (1)

Available from the start

Fish Skewers (edit) Fish Skewers 20 Food 6 1 1

Smallmouth bass.pngSmallmouth Bass (1)

Pike.pngPike (1)

Wooden chest.pngWooden Treasure Box

Fish Stew (edit) Fish Stew 30 Food 10 2 1

Smallmouth bass.pngSmallmouth Bass (1)

Red snapper.pngRed Snapper (1)

Wild leek.pngWild Leek (1)

Copper chest.pngCopper Treasure Box

Fish Tacos (edit) Fish Tacos 50 Food 34 4 3

Corn.pngCorn (1)

Cod.pngCod (1)

Mayonnaise.pngMayonnaise (1)

Chili pepper.pngChili Pepper (1)

Tide lettuce.pngTide Lettuce (1)

Fried Rice (edit) Fried Rice 100 Food 40 5 3

Rice.pngRice (1)

Chicken egg.pngChicken Egg (1)

Carrot.pngCarrot (1)

Peas.pngPeas (1)

Water chestnut.pngWater Chestnut (1)

Soy sauce.pngSoy Sauce (1)

data-sort-value="500">Tesserae Icon.png500t wish from Wishing Well

Garlic Bread (edit) Garlic Bread 30 Food 16 1 1

Bread.pngBread (1)

Garlic.pngGarlic (1)

Butter.pngButter (1)

Almanac header icon.pngReina's Request for Garlic

Gazpacho (edit) Gazpacho 40 Food 26 3 2

Cucumber.pngCucumber (1)

Tomato.pngTomato (1)

Watermelon.pngWatermelon (1)

Basil.pngBasil (1)

Glowberry Cookies (edit) Glowberry Cookies 50 Food 30 4 3

Glowberry.pngGlowberry (6)

Sugar.pngSugar (1)

Butter.pngButter (1)

Chicken egg.pngChicken Egg (1)

Flour.pngFlour (1)

Golden Cheesecake (edit) Golden Cheesecake 100 Food 40 5 3

Golden cheese.pngGolden Cheese (2)

Golden egg.pngGolden Egg (2)

Golden milk.pngGolden Milk (2)

Golden butter.pngGolden Butter (2)

Flour.pngFlour (2)

Sugar.pngSugar (2)

Golden Cookies (edit) Golden Cookies 100 Food 40 5 3

Golden egg.pngGolden Egg (2)

Golden milk.pngGolden Milk (2)

Golden butter.pngGolden Butter (2)

Flour.pngFlour (2)

Chocolate.pngChocolate (2)

Sugar.pngSugar (2)

Grape Juice (edit) Grape Juice 10 Food 1 1 1

Wild grapes.pngWild Grapes (1)

Calendar icon saturday market.pngSaturday Market at Darcy's stall for data-sort-value="150">Tesserae Icon.png150t

Green Tea (edit) Green Tea 10 Food 2 1 1

Tea.pngTea (1)

Calendar icon saturday market.pngSaturday Market at Darcy's stall for data-sort-value="150">Tesserae Icon.png150t

Grilled Cheese (edit) Grilled Cheese 40 Food 22 3 2

Bread.pngBread (1)

Cheese.pngCheese (1)

Rock salt.pngRock Salt (1)

Butter.pngButter (1)

Store icon buildings.pngBought from The Inn for data-sort-value="400">Tesserae Icon.png400t

Grilled Corn (edit) Grilled Corn 10 Food 2 1 1

Corn.pngCorn (1)

Quests header icon.pngShip a Corn

Grilled Eel Rice Bowl (edit) Grilled Eel Rice Bowl 40 Food 20 3 2

Freshwater eel.pngFreshwater Eel (1)

Soy sauce.pngSoy Sauce (1)

Sugar.pngSugar (1)

Rice.pngRice (1)

Almanac header icon.pngMarch's Request for Freshwater Eel

Hard Boiled Egg (edit) Hard Boiled Egg 10 Food 1 1 1

Chicken egg.pngChicken Egg (1)

Almanac header icon.pngEiland's Request for Eggs

Harvest Plate (edit) Harvest Plate 100 Food 40 5 3

Sweet potato.pngSweet Potato (1)

Broccoli.pngBroccoli (1)

Cranberry.pngCranberry (1)

Pumpkin.pngPumpkin (1)

Onion.pngOnion (1)

Rosemary.pngRosemary (1)

Herb Butter Pasta (edit) Herb Butter Pasta 40 Food 28 3 2

Noodles.pngNoodles (1)

Butter.pngButter (1)

Thyme.pngThyme (1)

Oregano.pngOregano (1)

Herb Salad (edit) Herb Salad 30 Food 30 4 3

Sage.pngSage (1)

Basil.pngBasil (1)

Thyme.pngThyme (1)

Oregano.pngOregano (1)

Dill.pngDill (1)

Skill icon mining.pngTreasure Chests in the Deep Earth
Almanac header icon.pngValen's Request for Herbs

Horseradish Salmon (edit) Horseradish Salmon 40 Food 28 3 1

Salmon.pngSalmon (1)

Horseradish.pngHorseradish (1)

Flour.pngFlour (1)

Oil.pngOil (1)

Almanac header icon.pngTerithia's Request for Ingredients

Hot Chocolate (edit) Hot Chocolate 40 Food 20 3 2

Chocolate.pngChocolate (1)

Milk.pngMilk (1)

Sugar.pngSugar (1)

Wintergreen berry.pngWintergreen Berry (2)

Calendar icon saturday market.pngSaturday Market at Darcy's stall for data-sort-value="400">Tesserae Icon.png400t

Ice Cream Sundae (edit) Ice Cream Sundae 100 Food 38 5 3

Ice block.pngIce Block (1)

Sugar.pngSugar (1)

Milk.pngMilk (1)

Chocolate.pngChocolate (1)

Butter.pngButter (1)

Flour.pngFlour (1)

Calendar icon saturday market.pngSaturday Market at Darcy's stall for data-sort-value="800">Tesserae Icon.png800t

Iced Coffee (edit) Iced Coffee 20 Food 10 2 1

Milk.pngMilk (1)

Ice block.pngIce Block (1)

Coffee.pngCoffee (1)

Calendar icon saturday market.pngSaturday Market at Darcy's stall for data-sort-value="300">Tesserae Icon.png300t

Incredibly Hot Pot (edit) Incredibly Hot Pot 50 Food 30 4 3

File:Flame pepper.pngFlame Pepper (1)

File:Ash mushroom.pngAsh Mushroom (1)

File:Lava chestnuts.pngLava Chestnuts (1)

File:Hot potato.pngHot Potato (1)

Earthshroom.pngEarthshroom (1)

Jam Sandwich (edit) Jam Sandwich 20 Food 10 2 1

Bread.pngBread (1)

Wild berry jam.pngWild Berry Jam (1)

Available from the start

Jasmine Tea (edit) Jasmine Tea 20 Food 8 1 1

Tea.pngTea (1)

Jasmine.pngJasmine (1)

Calendar icon saturday market.pngSaturday Market at Darcy's stall for data-sort-value="150">Tesserae Icon.png150t

Latte (edit) Latte 20 Food 2 1 1

Coffee.pngCoffee (1)

Milk.pngMilk (1)

Calendar icon saturday market.pngSaturday Market at Darcy's stall for data-sort-value="150">Tesserae Icon.png150t

Lemon Cake (edit) Lemon Cake 30 Food 18 2 1

Lemon.pngLemon (1)

Flour.pngFlour (1)

Sugar.pngSugar (1)

Skill icon mining.pngTreasure Chests in the Tide Caverns

Lemon Pie (edit) Lemon Pie 40 Food 20 3 2

Lemon.pngLemon (1)

Chicken egg.pngChicken Egg (1)

Sugar.pngSugar (1)

Flour.pngFlour (1)

Store icon buildings.pngBought from The Inn for data-sort-value="400">Tesserae Icon.png400t

Lemonade (edit) Lemonade 20 Food 8 1 1

Lemon.pngLemon (1)

Sugar.pngSugar (1)

Calendar icon saturday market.pngSaturday Market at Darcy's stall for data-sort-value="150">Tesserae Icon.png150t

Loaded Baked Potato (edit) Loaded Baked Potato 40 Food 20 3 2

Potato.pngPotato (1)

Butter.pngButter (1)

Cheese.pngCheese (1)

Wild leek.pngWild Leek (1)

Almanac header icon.pngHayden's Request for Baked Potato

Lobster Roll (edit) Lobster Roll 50 Food 38 4 3

Lobster.pngLobster (1)

Bread.pngBread (1)

Mayonnaise.pngMayonnaise (1)

Lemon.pngLemon (1)

Wild leek.pngWild Leek (1)

Gold chest.pngGolden Treasure Box

Mackerel Sashimi (edit) Mackerel Sashimi 10 Food 1 1 1

Mackerel.pngMackerel (1)

Store icon buildings.pngBought from the Tackle Shop for data-sort-value="150">Tesserae Icon.png150t

Marmalade (edit) Marmalade 20 Food 8 1 1

Orange.pngOrange (1)

Sugar.pngSugar (1)

Almanac header icon.pngElsie's Request for an Orange

Miner's Mushroom Stew (edit) Miner's Mushroom Stew 20 Food 2 1 1

Upper mines mushroom.pngUpper Mines Mushroom (1)

Cave mushroom.pngCave Mushroom (1)

Museum icon.pngDonate an Upper Mines Mushroom to the Museum

Mocha (edit) Mocha 30 Food 14 2 1

Coffee.pngCoffee (1)

Milk.pngMilk (1)

Chocolate.pngChocolate (1)

Calendar icon saturday market.pngSaturday Market at Darcy's stall for data-sort-value="300">Tesserae Icon.png300t

Monster Cookie (edit) Monster Cookie 40 Food 10 2 1

Monster powder.pngMonster Powder (1)

Monster core.pngMonster Core (1)

Sugar.pngSugar (1)

Skill icon mining.pngTreasure Chests in the Upper Mines

Monster Mash (edit) Monster Mash 40 Food 20 3 2

Monster fang.pngMonster Fang (1)

Monster shell.pngMonster Shell (1)

Monster horn.pngMonster Horn (1)

Monster powder.pngMonster Powder (1)

Skill icon mining.pngTreasure Chests in the Tide Caverns

Mont Blanc (edit) Mont Blanc 100 Food 40 5 3

Chestnut.pngChestnut (4)

Sugar.pngSugar (1)

Chicken egg.pngChicken Egg (1)

Milk.pngMilk (1)

Butter.pngButter (1)

Flour.pngFlour (1)

Store icon buildings.pngBought from The Inn for data-sort-value="800">Tesserae Icon.png800t

Moon Fruit Cake (edit) Moon Fruit Cake 40 Food 20 3 2

Moon fruit.pngMoon Fruit (1)

Honey.pngHoney (1)

Chicken egg.pngChicken Egg (1)

Flour.pngFlour (1)

Almanac header icon.pngJuniper's Request for Moon Fruit

Mushroom Rice (edit) Mushroom Rice 30 Food 14 2 1

Morel mushroom.pngMorel Mushroom (1)

Rice.pngRice (1)

Soy sauce.pngSoy Sauce (1)

Store icon buildings.pngBought from The Inn for data-sort-value="300">Tesserae Icon.png300t

Mushroom Steak Dinner (edit) Mushroom Steak Dinner 50 Food 36 4 3

Oyster mushroom.pngOyster Mushroom (1)

Butter.pngButter (1)

Cauliflower.pngCauliflower (1)

Beet.pngBeet (1)

Tide lettuce.pngTide Lettuce (1)

Store icon buildings.pngBought from The Inn for data-sort-value="">Tesserae Icon.pngt

Noodles (edit) Noodles 10 Food 1 1 1

Flour.pngFlour (1)

Store icon buildings.pngBought from The Inn for data-sort-value="150">Tesserae Icon.png150t

Omelet (edit) Omelet 40 Food 22 3 2

Chicken egg.pngChicken Egg (1)

Butter.pngButter (1)

Cheese.pngCheese (1)

Milk.pngMilk (1)

data-sort-value="10">Shiny bead.png 10 offering Chicken Statue

Onion Soup (edit) Onion Soup 30 Food 14 2 1

Onion.pngOnion (1)

Milk.pngMilk (1)

Cheese.pngCheese (1)

Quests header icon.pngShip an Onion

Orange Juice (edit) Orange Juice 10 Food 4 1 1

Orange.pngOrange (1)

Quests header icon.pngShip an Orange

Pan-fried Bream (edit) Pan-fried Bream 20 Food 2 1 1

Bream.pngBream (1)

Oil.pngOil (1)

Store icon buildings.pngBought from The Inn for data-sort-value="150">Tesserae Icon.png150t

Pan-fried Salmon (edit) Pan-fried Salmon 20 Food 2 1 1

Salmon.pngSalmon (1)

Oil.pngOil (1)

Wooden chest.pngWooden Treasure Box

Pan-fried Snapper (edit) Pan-fried Snapper 20 Food 2 1 1

Red snapper.pngRed Snapper (1)

Oil.pngOil (1)

Wooden chest.pngWooden Treasure Box

Peaches and Cream (edit) Peaches and Cream 30 Food 16 2 1

Peach.pngPeach (1)

Sugar.pngSugar (1)

Milk.pngMilk (1)

Quests header icon.pngShip a Peach

Perch Risotto (edit) Perch Risotto 50 Food 34 4 3

Perch.pngPerch (1)

Rice.pngRice (1)

Butter.pngButter (1)

Garlic.pngGarlic (1)

Rosemary.pngRosemary (1)

Almanac header icon.pngErrol's Request for Perch

Pineshroom Toast (edit) Pineshroom Toast 30 Food 16 2 1

Bread.pngBread (1)

Pineshroom.pngPineshroom (1)

Sugar.pngSugar (1)

Almanac header icon.pngAdeline's Request for Pineshrooms

Pizza (edit) Pizza 30 Food 16 2 1

Tomato.pngTomato (1)

Cheese.pngCheese (1)

Flour.pngFlour (1)

Poached Pear (edit) Poached Pear 30 Food 16 2 1

Pear.pngPear (1)

Red Wine.pngRed Wine (1)

Honey.pngHoney (1)

Quests header icon.pngShip a Pear

Pomegranate Juice (edit) Pomegranate Juice 10 Food 4 1 1

Pomegranate.pngPomegranate (1)

Calendar icon saturday market.pngSaturday Market at Darcy's stall for data-sort-value="150">Tesserae Icon.png150t
