View table: Items

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Table structure:

  1. itemName - String
  2. description - Text
  3. icon - Wikitext string
  4. sources - List of Wikitext string, delimiter: ,
  5. season - Wikitext
  6. isCraftable - Boolean
  7. isBuyable - Boolean
  8. isConsumable - Boolean
  9. sellValue - Integer
  10. health - Integer
  11. stamina - Integer
  12. mana - Integer
  13. museum - Boolean
  14. tags - List of String, delimiter: ,

This table has 647 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page itemName description icon sources season isCraftable isBuyable isConsumable sellValue health stamina mana museum tags
Acorn (edit) Acorn The nut of an oak tree. Used in cooking and crafting recipes.


Shaking Oak trees

Day spring clear.png All

No No No 5 3 3 0 No Forageable
Alda Bronze Sword (edit) Alda Bronze Sword A rare artifact. Its intricate carvings and blue-green patina give this sword an otherworldly appearance.

Alda bronze sword.png

Archaeology icon.png Archaeology

No No No 75 0 0 0 Yes Artifact
Alda Clay Pot (edit) Alda Clay Pot An uncommon artifact. Made from rich river clay, a faded pattern can still be seen. Once used by the Alda people to store food.

Alda clay pot.png

Archaeology icon.png Archaeology

No No No 50 0 0 0 Yes Artifact
Alda Feather Pendant (edit) Alda Feather Pendant An uncommon artifact. Once used in marriage proposals, beautifully designed.

Alda feather pendant.png

Archaeology icon.png Archaeology

No No No 50 0 0 0 Yes Artifact
Alda Gem Bracelet (edit) Alda Gem Bracelet A legendary artifact. Non-local gems suggest the Alda had trading partners across the sea.

Alda gem bracelet.png

Archaeology icon.png Archaeology

No No No 125 0 0 0 Yes Artifact
Alda Mural Tablet (edit) Alda Mural Tablet A rare artifact. Depicts a scene of the Mistrian coast, as seen hundreds of years ago.

Alda mural tablet.png

Archaeology icon.png Archaeology

No No No 75 0 0 0 Yes Artifact
Aldarian Gauntlet (edit) Aldarian Gauntlet A rare artifact. This battle-worn gauntlet shows heavy use.

Aldarian gauntlet.png

Archaeology icon.png Archaeology

No No No 75 0 0 0 Yes Artifact
Aldarian Sword (edit) Aldarian Sword An uncommon artifact. A worn military sword, likely from the War of the Lilies.

Aldarian sword.png

Archaeology icon.png Archaeology

No No No 50 0 0 0 Yes Artifact
Aldarian War Banner (edit) Aldarian War Banner A rare artifact. Emblazoned with the royal crest of Aldaria.

Aldarian war banner.png

Archaeology icon.png Archaeology

No No No 75 0 0 0 Yes Artifact
Alpaca Wool (edit) Alpaca Wool Soft, silky wool from an alpaca. Used in a variety of crafting recipes.

Alpaca wool.png

Ranching icon.png Ranching Alpacas

Balor's Wagon for data-sort-value="390">Tesserae Icon.png390t

No No No 130 0 0 0 No Material Animal Product
Amber Trapped Insect (edit) Amber Trapped Insect An uncommon artifact. It's noticeably bigger than today's insects.

Amber-trapped insect.png

Archaeology icon.png Archaeology

No No No 50 0 0 0 Yes Artifact
Ancient Crystal Goblet (edit) Ancient Crystal Goblet A rare artifact. Elegant and sturdy, this goblet was likely used during Witch Queen rituals.

Ancient crystal goblet.png

Archaeology icon.png Archaeology

No No No 75 0 0 0 Yes Artifact
Ancient Gold Coin (edit) Ancient Gold Coin An uncommon artifact. Etched with the outline of the Witch Queen on one side, and a magnificent tower on the other.

Ancient gold coin.png

Archaeology icon.png Archaeology

No No No 50 0 0 0 Yes Artifact
Ancient Horn Circlet (edit) Ancient Horn Circlet A rare artifact. A horn circlet from the age of the Witch Queens. Was this a fashion accessory or did it serve a greater purpose?

Ancient horn circlet.png

Archaeology icon.png Archaeology

No No No 75 0 0 0 Yes Artifact
Ancient Royal Scepter (edit) Ancient Royal Scepter A legendary artifact. A Royal Scepter with the head of a dragon. The symbol of the Witch Queen's authority.

Ancient royal scepter.png

Archaeology icon.png Archaeology

No No No 125 0 0 0 Yes Artifact
Ancient Stone Lantern (edit) Ancient Stone Lantern An uncommon artifact. An impossibly delicate stone lantern from the age of the Witch Queens. It still retains an ethereal glow from within.

Ancient stone lantern.png

Archaeology icon.png Archaeology

No No No 50 0 0 0 Yes Artifact
Ant (edit) Ant A common insect found in all seasons but winter.


Iron Net.pngBug Catching

Season icon spring.png Spring
Season icon summer.png Summer
Season icon autumn.png Fall

No No No 10 0 0 0 No Bug
Apple (edit) Apple The delicious fruit of the apple tree, which fruits in fall. A popular ingredient in cooking recipes.


Almanac icon crops.pngFarming

Almanac icon forageables.pngForaging at The Eastern Road

Season icon autumn.png Fall

No No No 45 10 10 0 Yes Crop Fruit
Apple Honey Curry (edit) Apple Honey Curry A sweet, mild curry, loaded with vegetables and served over rice.

Apple honey curry.png

Yes No Yes 600 188 188 0 No Food Missing Data Unreleased Recipe
Apple Juice (edit) Apple Juice A sweet and crisp juice made from apples.

Apple juice.png

Almanac icon cooked dishes.pngCooking

Calendar icon saturday market.pngSaturday Market at Darcy's stall for data-sort-value="175">Tesserae Icon.png175t

The Inn for data-sort-value="175">Tesserae Icon.png175t

Yes No Yes 50 30 30 0 No Food Food:Cold Drinks
Apple Pie (edit) Apple Pie A flaky pie filled with tender slices of slow-cooked apple.

Apple pie.png

Almanac icon cooked dishes.pngCooking

Inn for data-sort-value="500">Tesserae Icon.png500t

Yes No Yes 360 92 92 0 No Food Food:Baked Dessert
Apple Sapling (edit) Apple Sapling An apple tree sapling. This tree can be planted any time of year, but will only fruit in the fall.

Apple sapling.png

General Store for data-sort-value="400">Tesserae Icon.png400t

Season icon autumn.png Fall

No No No 0 0 0 0 No
Ash Mushroom (edit) Ash Mushroom A delicate mushroom that releases ashlike spores when jostled.

File:Ash mushroom.png

Almanac icon forageables.pngForaging in the Lava Caves

No No No 0 0 0 0 Yes Unreleased
Baked Potato (edit) Baked Potato This hot and fluffy baked potato is simple but filling.

Baked potato.png

Almanac icon cooked dishes.pngCooking

Balor's Wagon for data-sort-value="175">Tesserae Icon.png175t

Wooden chest.pngWooden Treasure Box

Yes No Yes 80 30 30 0 No Food Food:Baked Dish
Baked Sweetroot (edit) Baked Sweetroot After baking, its natural sweetness increases, making it a tasty treat.

Baked sweetroot.png

Almanac icon cooked dishes.pngCooking

Yes No Yes 22 30 30 0 No Food Food:Baked Dish
Basil (edit) Basil A popular herb grown in summer. Commonly used as a cooking ingredient.


Almanac icon crops.pngFarming

Almanac icon forageables.pngForaging at The Eastern Road

Balor's Wagon for data-sort-value="120">Tesserae Icon.png120t

Season icon summer.png Summer

No Yes Yes 30 5 5 0 Yes Forageable Crop
Basil Seed (edit) Basil Seed Basil seed. This summer crop can be harvested every 3 days once it reaches maturity.

Basil seed.png

Foraging with Prepared picker.png Prepared Picker Skill

Season icon summer.png Summer

No No No 15 0 0 0 No
Beach Hopper (edit) Beach Hopper A common insect found at the beach in all seasons.

Beach hopper.png

Iron Net.pngBug Catching

Day spring clear.png All

No No No 10 0 0 0 Yes Bug
Beer (edit) Beer A locally brewed beer with a rich, malty flavor.


The Inn for data-sort-value="100">Tesserae Icon.png100t

No No Yes 50 10 10 0 No Food
Beet (edit) Beet A fast growing winter crop. Has a strong earthy flavor. Commonly used as a cooking ingredient.


Almanac icon crops.pngFarming

Balor's Wagon for data-sort-value="160">Tesserae Icon.png160t

Season icon winter.png Winter

No No No 40 50 50 0 Yes Crop
Beet Salad (edit) Beet Salad This salad is made of fresh, tender slices of beet.

Beet salad.png

Almanac icon cooked dishes.pngCooking

Yes No Yes 40 18 18 0 No Food Food:Salad
Beet Seed (edit) BeetSeed Beet seed. This fast growing winter crop can be harvested once.

Beet seed.png

General Store for data-sort-value="25">Tesserae Icon.png25t

Season icon winter.png Winter

No No No 40 0 0 0 No
Beet Soup (edit) Beet Soup A vividly colored soup that's delicious and healthy.

Beet soup.png

Almanac icon cooked dishes.pngCooking

The Inn for data-sort-value="1500">Tesserae Icon.png1


Yes No Yes 710 230 230 0 No Food Food:Soups
Berries and Cream (edit) Berries and Cream A popular and subtly sweet combination of fresh fruit and cream.

Berries and cream.png

Almanac icon cooked dishes.pngCooking

Calendar icon saturday market.pngSaturday Market at Darcy's stall for data-sort-value="120">Tesserae Icon.png120t

Wooden chest.pngWooden Treasure Box

No No Yes 50 16 16 0 No Food Food:Handcrafted Dessert
Berry Bowl (edit) Berry Bowl A variety of juicy, fresh-picked berries with a drizzle of honey.

Berry bowl.png

Almanac icon cooked dishes.pngCooking

data-sort-value="500">Tesserae Icon.png500t wish from Wishing Well

Yes No Yes 440 100 100 0 No Food Food:Snacks
Black Tablet (edit) Black Tablet An uncommon artifact. Made of a strange metal, it's not clear what this is for.

Black tablet.png

Archaeology icon.png Archaeology

No No No 125 0 0 0 Yes Artifact
Blackberry (edit) Blackberry A delicious berry that grows in fall. Used in a variety of cooking recipes.


Almanac icon forageables.pngForaging

Season icon autumn.png Fall

No No Yes 5 1 1 0 No Forageable
Blackberry Jam (edit) Blackberry Jam This autumnal jam is sweet and tangy.

Blackberry jam.png

Almanac icon cooked dishes.pngCooking

Yes No Yes 140 22 22 0 No Food Food:Jam
Blue Conch Shell (edit) Blue Conch Shell A common blue conch shell.

Blue conch shell.png

Almanac icon forageables.pngForaging on The Beach

Balor's Wagon for data-sort-value="80">Tesserae Icon.png80t

Day spring clear.png All

No No No 20 0 0 0 No Forageable
Blueberry (edit) Blueberry These round blue berries are foraged in spring. Used in a variety of cooking recipes.


Almanac icon forageables.pngForaging in The Eastern Road

Season icon spring.png Spring

No No Yes 5 1 1 0 No Forageable
Blueberry Jam (edit) Blueberry Jam A jam made with only the freshest blueberries. It has a sweet, mild flavor.

Blueberry jam.png

Almanac icon cooked dishes.pngCooking

data-sort-value="100">Tesserae Icon.png100t wish from Wishing Well

Balor's Wagon for data-sort-value="150">Tesserae Icon.png150t

Yes No Yes 140 22 22 0 No Food Food:Jam
Bluegill (edit) Bluegill A common small river fish found in spring.


Season icon spring.png Spring

No No No 40 0 0 0 Yes Fish
Braised Burdock (edit) Braised Burdock This thinly sliced burdock has a sweet and savory flavor.

Braised burdock.png

Almanac icon cooked dishes.pngCooking

Yes No Yes 180 60 60 0 No Food Food:Simmered Dish
Braised Carrots (edit) Braised Carrots After braising, the natural sweetness of the carrots is enhanced.

Braised carrots.png

Yes No Yes 85 36 36 0 No Food Missing Data Unreleased Recipe
Bread (edit) Bread A soft and fluffy loaf of fresh bread.


Almanac icon cooked dishes.pngCooking

Yes No Yes 190 30 30 0 No Food Food:Misc. Pantry
Breaded Catfish (edit) Breaded Catfish This fried catfish is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

Breaded catfish.png

Almanac icon cooked dishes.pngCooking

The Inn for data-sort-value="">Tesserae Icon.pngt

Yes No Yes 320 64 64 0 No Food Food:Fried Dish
Breath of Fire (edit) Breath of Fire These beautiful flowers continue to glow, even after they've been picked.

File:Breath of fire.png

Foraging in the Lava Caves

No No No 0 0 0 0 Yes Unreleased
Breath of Spring (edit) Breath of Spring A special Mistrian flower that appears just before the Spring Festival.

Breath of spring.png

Most actions during respective Season

Season icon spring.png Spring 14 to 16

No No No 0 0 0 0 No Forageable
Brightbulb Moth (edit) Brightbulb Moth A common insect found at night in winter.

Brightbulb moth.png

Iron Net.pngBug Catching

Season icon winter.png Winter

No No No 10 0 0 0 Yes Bug
Bristle (edit) Bristle Stiff hairs dropped from the coat of a capybara. Used in a variety of crafting recipes..


Ranching icon.png Ranching Capybara

Balor's Wagon for data-sort-value="360">Tesserae Icon.png360t

No No No 120 0 0 0 No Material Animal Product
Broccoli (edit) Broccoli A fall crop. Crunchy with a mild, grassy flavor. Commonly used as a cooking ingredient.


Almanac icon crops.pngFarming

Balor's Wagon for data-sort-value="300">Tesserae Icon.png300t

Season icon autumn.png Fall

No No No 75 10 10 0 Yes Crop
Broccoli Salad (edit) Broccoli Salad A crunchy broccoli salad with plenty of tart cranberries.

Broccoli salad.png

Almanac icon cooked dishes.pngCooking

Yes No Yes 330 74 74 0 No Food Food:Salad
Broccoli Seed (edit) Broccoli Seed Broccoli seed. This fall crop can be harvested once.

Broccoli seed.png

General Store for data-sort-value="40">Tesserae Icon.png40t

Season icon autumn.png Fall

No No No 20 0 0 0 No
Bull Horn (edit) Bull Horn A horn dropped by a bull. Used in a variety of crafting recipes.

Bull horn.png

Ranching icon.png Ranching Bulls

No No No 120 0 0 0 No Material Animal Product
Bumblebee (edit) Bumblebee A common insect found during the daytime in all seasons but winter.


Iron Net.pngBug Catching

Season icon spring.png Spring
Season icon summer.png Summer
Season icon autumn.png Fall

No No No 10 0 0 0 No Bug
Burdock Root (edit) Burdock Root A wild plant foraged in winter. Has a nutty, earthy flavor. Commonly used as a cooking ingredient.

Burdock root.png

Almanac icon crops.pngFarming

Almanac icon forageables.pngForaging

Balor's Wagon for data-sort-value="120">Tesserae Icon.png120t

Season icon winter.png Winter

No No No 30 8 8 0 Yes Forageable Crop
Burdock Root Seed (edit) Burdock root Seed Burdock root seed. This winter crop can be harvested every 3 days once it reaches maturity.

Burdock root seed.png

Foraging with Prepared picker.png Prepared Picker Skill

Season icon winter.png Winter

No No No 30 0 0 0 No
Butter (edit) Butter Butter made with cow's milk. Used in a variety of cooking recipes.



data-sort-value="10">Shiny bead.png 10 offering from Chicken Statue

No No No 90 6 6 0 No milling ingredients
Buttered Peas (edit) Buttered Peas A generous amount of butter is the secret to these delicious peas.

Buttered peas.png

Yes No Yes 240 48 48 0 No Food Missing Data Unreleased Recipe
Butterfly (edit) Butterfly A common insect found during the daytime in spring.


Iron Net.pngBug Catching

Season icon spring.png Spring

No No No 10 0 0 0 Yes Bug
Cabbage (edit) Cabbage A slow growing spring crop. Crunchy with a mild taste, this leafy vegetable can be used in a variety of cooking recipes.


Almanac icon crops.pngFarming

Balor's Wagon for data-sort-value="540">Tesserae Icon.png540t

Season icon spring.png Spring

No No No 180 50 50 0 Yes Crop
Cabbage Seed (edit) Cabbage Seed Cabbage seed. This slow growing spring crop can be harvested once.

Cabbage seed.png

General Store for data-sort-value="70">Tesserae Icon.png70t

Season icon spring.png Spring

No No No 35 0 0 0 No
Cabbage Slaw (edit) Cabbage Slaw A crunchy and satisfying blend of shredded cabbage and fennel.

Cabbage slaw.png

Almanac icon cooked dishes.pngCooking

data-sort-value="100">Tesserae Icon.png100t wish from Wishing Well

Balor's Wagon for data-sort-value="230">Tesserae Icon.png230t

Yes No Yes 220 46 46 0 No Food Food:Salad
Caldosian Breastplate (edit) Caldosian Breastplate A rare artifact. This magnificent breastplate is so ornate, it was likely used for ceremonial purposes.

Caldosian breastplate.png

Archaeology icon.png Archaeology

No No No 75 0 0 0 Yes Artifact
Caldosian Drinking Horn (edit) Caldosian Drinking Horn A rare artifact. Drinking horns were usually passed down through the family line.

Caldosian drinking horn.png

Archaeology icon.png Archaeology

No No No 75 0 0 0 Yes Artifact
Caldosian Emperor Bust (edit) Caldosian Emperor Bust An uncommon artifact. The bust of a Caldosian Emperor. It's not clear which one.

Caldosian emperor bust.png

Archaeology icon.png Archaeology

No No No 50 0 0 0 Yes Artifact
Caldosian Sword (edit) Caldosian Sword An uncommon artifact. An imperial officer's sword from the early days of the Caldosian Empire.

Caldosian sword.png

Archaeology icon.png Archaeology

No No No 50 0 0 0 Yes Artifact
Candied Lemon Peel (edit) Candied Lemon Peel A sweet treat bursting with lemon flavor.

Candied lemon peel.png

Almanac icon cooked dishes.pngCooking

Calendar icon saturday market.pngSaturday Market at Darcy's stall for data-sort-value="200">Tesserae Icon.png200t

Balor's Wagon for data-sort-value="200">Tesserae Icon.png200t

The Inn for data-sort-value="200">Tesserae Icon.png200t

Yes No Yes 160 48 48 0 No Food Food:Candy
Candied Strawberries (edit) Candied Strawberries A crunchy sugar shell coats these juicy skewered strawberries.

Candied strawberries.png

Almanac icon cooked dishes.pngCooking

Calendar icon saturday market.pngSaturday Market at Darcy's stall for data-sort-value="200">Tesserae Icon.png200t

Balor's Wagon for data-sort-value="250">Tesserae Icon.png250t

Yes No Yes 240 42 42 0 No Food Food:Candy
Canned Sardines (edit) Canned Sardines These canned sardines have a satisfying meaty and salty taste.

Canned sardines.png

Almanac icon cooked dishes.pngCooking

Balor's Wagon for data-sort-value="150">Tesserae Icon.png150t

Wooden chest.pngWooden Treasure Box

Yes No Yes 65 22 22 0 No Food Food:Snacks
Caramel Candy (edit) Caramel Candy A sticky, delicious candy made of sugar and butter.

Caramel candy.png

Almanac icon cooked dishes.pngCooking

Yes No Yes 200 36 36 0 No Food Food:Candy
Caramelized Moon Fruit (edit) Caramelized Moon Fruit This sweet caramelized moon fruit has a melt-in-your-mouth texture.

Caramelized moon fruit.png

Almanac icon cooked dishes.pngCooking

Calendar icon saturday market.pngSaturday Market at Darcy's stall for data-sort-value="180">Tesserae Icon.png180t

Yes No Yes 145 42 42 0 No Food Food:Candy
Carrot (edit) Carrot A spring crop. Crunchy when raw, they become soft and sweet when cooked.


Almanac icon crops.pngFarming

Balor's Wagon for data-sort-value="250">Tesserae Icon.png250t

Season icon spring.png Spring

No No No 80 6 6 0 No Crop
Carrot Seed (edit) Carrot Seed Carrot seed. This spring crop can be harvested once.

Carrot seed.png

General Store for data-sort-value="40">Tesserae Icon.png40t (after upgrade)

Season icon spring.png Spring

No No No 20 0 0 0 No
Caterpillar (edit) Caterpillar A common insect found in spring. Sometimes found when shaking trees.


Iron Net.pngBug Catching

Balor's Wagon for data-sort-value="20">Tesserae Icon.png20t

Season icon spring.png Spring

No No No 10 0 0 0 Yes Bug
Catmint (edit) Catmint A cute purple flower grown in the summer. Can be given as a gift or used in various crafting recipes.


Almanac icon crops.pngFarming

Almanac icon forageables.pngForaging

Balor's Wagon for data-sort-value="120">Tesserae Icon.png120t

Season icon summer.png Summer

No No No 30 0 0 0 Yes Forageable Crop
Catmint Seed (edit) Catmint Seed Catmint seed. This summer flower can be harvested once.

Catmint seed.png

General Store for data-sort-value="20">Tesserae Icon.png20t

Season icon summer.png Summer

No No No 10 0 0 0 No
Cattail Fluff (edit) Cattail Fluff Fluff extracted from the pod of a cattail plant. Used in crafting recipes.

Cattail fluff.png

Almanac icon forageables.pngForaging

Balor's Wagon for data-sort-value="25">Tesserae Icon.png25t

Carpenter for data-sort-value="25">Tesserae Icon.png25t (requires Steady supplies.png Steady Supplies Skill)

Season icon spring.png Spring
Season icon summer.png Summer
Season icon autumn.png Fall

No No No 5 0 0 0 No Forageable
Cauliflower (edit) Cauliflower A winter crop. Has a subtle nutty flavor. Commonly used as a cooking ingredient.


Almanac icon crops.pngFarming

Balor's Wagon for data-sort-value="300">Tesserae Icon.png300t

Season icon winter.png Winter

No No No 75 10 10 0 Yes Crop
Cauliflower Curry (edit) Cauliflower Curry This spicy curry is mellowed by the cauliflower.

Cauliflower curry.png

Yes No Yes 430 110 110 0 No Food Missing Data Unreleased Recipe
Cauliflower Seed (edit) Cauliflower Seed Cauliflower seed. This winter crop can be harvested once.

Cauliflower seed.png

General Store for data-sort-value="40">Tesserae Icon.png40t

Season icon winter.png Winter

No No No 75 0 0 0 No
Cave Mushroom (edit) Cave Mushroom A tasty green mushroom sometimes dropped by Mushroom monsters.

Cave mushroom.png

Slaying Mushroom green.pngGreen Mushrooms in the Tide Caverns

No No Yes 15 5 5 0 No Forageable Monster Drop Ingredient Material
Celosia (edit) Celosia A fast growing pink fall flower. Can be used in crafting recipes.


Almanac icon crops.pngFarming

Almanac icon forageables.pngForaging

Balor's Wagon for data-sort-value="100">Tesserae Icon.png100t

Season icon autumn.png Fall

No No No 25 0 0 0 Yes Forageable Crop
Celosia Seed (edit) Celosia Seed Celosia seed. This fast growing fall flower can be harvested once.

Celosia seed.png

General Store for data-sort-value="15">Tesserae Icon.png15t

Season icon autumn.png Fall

No No No 8 0 0 0 No
Cheese (edit) Cheese Cheese made with cow's milk. Used in a variety of cooking recipes.



data-sort-value="10">Shiny bead.png 10 offering from Chicken Statue

No No No 90 6 6 0 No
Cherry (edit) Cherry The small red fruit of the cherry tree, which fruits in spring. Used in a variety of cooking recipes.


Almanac icon crops.pngFarming

Almanac icon forageables.pngForaging at The Eastern Road

Balor's Wagon for data-sort-value="180">Tesserae Icon.png180t

Season icon spring.png Spring

No No No 45 10 10 0 Yes Crop Fruit
Cherry Cobbler (edit) Cherry Cobbler These sweet cherries are packed into a sugary crust.

Cherry cobbler.png

Balor's Wagon for data-sort-value="200">Tesserae Icon.png200t

Yes No Yes 0 0 0 0 No Food Missing Data Unreleased Recipe
Cherry Sapling (edit) Cherry Sapling A cherry tree sapling. This tree can be planted any time of year, but will only fruit in the spring.

Cherry sapling.png

General Store for data-sort-value="400">Tesserae Icon.png400t

Season icon spring.png Spring

No No No 0 0 0 0 No
Cherry Smoothie (edit) Cherry Smoothie This smoothie is thick, creamy, and loaded with cherries.

Cherry smoothie.png

Almanac icon cooked dishes.pngCooking

Yes No Yes 155 66 66 0 No Food Food:Cold Drinks
Cherry Tart (edit) Cherry Tart This cherry tart is sour and sweet with a crumbly buttery crust.

Cherry tart.png

Almanac icon cooked dishes.pngCooking

Calendar icon saturday market.pngSaturday Market at Darcy's stall for data-sort-value="500">Tesserae Icon.png500t

Balor's Wagon for data-sort-value="500">Tesserae Icon.png500t

Quests header icon.pngThe Smell of Drying Ink

Yes No Yes 360 92 92 0 No Food Food:Baked Dessert
Chess Piece Scroll Bundle (edit) Chess Piece Scroll Bundle

Chess piece scroll bundle.png

Balor's Wagon for data-sort-value="700">Tesserae Icon.png700t

No No No 0 0 0 0 No
Chestnut (edit) Chestnut A common nut foraged in fall. Commonly used as a cooking ingredient.


Almanac icon forageables.pngForaging

Season icon autumn.png Fall

No No Yes 15 3 3 0 No Forageable
Chicken Egg (edit) Chicken Egg An egg laid by a hen. Used as an ingredient for cooking many kinds of dishes.

Chicken egg.png

Ranching icon.png Ranching (Chicken) Hens

Balor's Wagon for data-sort-value="50">Tesserae Icon.png50t

data-sort-value="10">Shiny bead.png 10 offering from Chicken Statue

No No No 20 3 3 0 No Animal Product Ingredient
Chicken Egg Hat (edit) Chicken Egg Hat

Chicken egg hat.png

Quest Reward

No No No 0 0 0 0 No Animal Cosmetic
Chickpea (edit) Chickpea A wild vegetable grown in spring. Commonly used as an ingredient in cooking recipes.


Almanac icon crops.pngFarming

Almanac icon forageables.pngForaging

Balor's Wagon for data-sort-value="120">Tesserae Icon.png120t

Season icon spring.png Spring

No No Yes 30 3 3 0 No Forageable Crop
Chickpea Curry (edit) Chickpea Curry This spicy curry is mellowed by the cauliflower.

Chickpea curry.png

Almanac icon cooked dishes.pngCooking

Balor's Wagon for data-sort-value="260">Tesserae Icon.png260t

Yes No Yes 250 56 56 0 No Food Food:Simmered Dish
Chickpea Seed (edit) Chickpea Seed Chickpea seed. This spring crop can be harvested every 3 days once it reaches maturity.

Chickpea seed.png

Foraging with Prepared picker.png Prepared Picker Skill

Season icon spring.png Spring

No No No 10 0 0 0 No
Chili Coconut Curry (edit) Chili Coconut Curry This tempting curry is made up of creamy coconut and spicy chilies over rice.

Chili coconut curry.png

Almanac icon cooked dishes.pngCooking

The Inn for data-sort-value="1600">Tesserae Icon.png1


Yes No Yes 450 256 256 0 No Food Food:Simmered Dish Missing Data
Chili Pepper (edit) Chili Pepper A spicy summer crop and popular seasoning. Used to add a kick to many cooking recipes.

Chili pepper.png

Almanac icon crops.pngFarming

Balor's Wagon for data-sort-value="225">Tesserae Icon.png225t

Season icon summer.png Summer

No No No 75 10 10 0 Yes Crop
Chili Pepper Seed (edit) Chili Pepper Seed Chili pepper seed. This summer crop can be harvested once.

Chili pepper seed.png

General Store for data-sort-value="40">Tesserae Icon.png40t

Season icon summer.png Summer

No No No 20 0 0 0 No
